Construction plywood

For various applications within construction projects

Puumerkki has an extensive selection of construction plywood products. In addition to the spruce, birch, film coated, and special plywood, the selection includes plastic coated plywood for various applications within construction projects. Besides the standard plywood products, the boards can be delivered cut to length and ready machined.

The applications of construction plywood:
  • Load-bearing structures
  • Ceilings, walls, and floors
  • Inner cladding
  • Work surfaces
  • Maintenance bridges
  • Worksite protection structures
  • Concreting

Spruce plywood is suited to various applications in construction, including roof, wall, and floor structures. They are also suited to use as moulds in less demanding castings and in worksite protection.

Uncoated birch plywood is used in applications where the board needs to be very strong or visually pleasing.

Film coated plywood is suited to use as moulds in demanding castings and e.g. as work surfaces or maintenance bridges.

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